medana étanchéité sa

Designers of flat roofs

Waterproofing · Thermal protection · Flat roofs and green roofs
Upkeep and Maintenance · Desk study and expertise

Recognized specialists in waterproofing and the all-round performance of flat roofs. We have chosen the Red Kite as our company emblem in order to portray and represent our dynamism. With this logo we wish to illustrate our agility and the perfection of our services. We also aim to express our view from above, encompassing the whole field of flat roofs.

    Our main activities are:
  • Etanchéité
  • Waterproofing with high performance bituminous membranes.
  • Refurbishment and waterproofing of buildings.
  • Application of thermal insulating materials.
  • Development and installation of green roofs.

Our expertise, particularly the “Long Life Duo roof” with decades of certifications, makes medana étanchéité sa an effective partner.

On this site we will show you the various flat roof designs and examples of installations. Please choose the technical solution most suited to your waterproofing issue from the menu, be it a roof, a terrace or any other building feature or civil engineering work. Short waterproofing descriptions and details are presented for indicative purposes only and only those concerning bitumen are included. We recommend that you consult either us or the various manufacturers about the technology and installation of synthetic material sheets.

Parc de véhicules

medana étanchéité sa is a high performance company, both in the preparation and carrying out of commissions in the field of flat roof coverings and in civil engineering. The company was founded in March 1984 by the current director, Mr Silvio Medana.

The company works in the canton of Vaud and the nearby cantons, and sometimes as far away as Ticino. The company has around thirty satisfied employees who work with great precision in a friendly, welcoming environment. Since the company gives great importance to education, is strongly involved in professional training and wishes to pass on its knowledge, it trains apprentices every year. A company that is deeply rooted in tradition and at the same time closely follows the latest innovations, it works in close collaboration with Swiss and European manufacturers.

The philosophy “Our profession: Waterproofing – Our mission: Quality – Our passion: Beauty” underlines its wish to create attractive roof surfaces on homes which are constructed with all its skills.

Warm Roof

A roof with waterproofing that is applied directly on the thermal insulation, without an intermediary air layer. The roof support is protected from big changes in temperature by the insulating material and is therefore not subject to small-scale thermal shocks. On the other hand, the waterproof membranes are directly subject to the effects of the climate (temperature changes, the UV rays of the sun, etc …).

Toiture chaude

We protect against these climatic effects by placing ballast (strong protection such as gravel, slabs, etc …) onto the waterproofing material.

Toiture pourvue d'une étanchéité appliquée directement sur l'isolation thermique, sans couche d'air intermédiaire. Le support de toiture est protégé des fortes variations de température par l'isolant et ne subit donc que de faibles chocs thermiques. Par contre, les membranes d'étanchéité subissent directement les actions climatiques (variations de température, rayons solaires UV, etc…).

Our estimate:

Inverted Roof

Type of roof in which thermal insulation is placed above the waterproofing material. This insulation consists of impermeable materials in the shape of stiff foam panels of extruded polystyrene and is covered with a protective layer or practicable coating. The inverted roof is a practical system both from a technical viewpoint and regarding the physical construction.

Toiture inversée

Roofing support and waterproofing are protected from thermal actions and UV rays by insulating material and ballast. The ballast must be able to prevent the insulating material from being detached or lifted by the wind.

Our estimate:

Compact Roof

A type of warm roof in which all the layers, apart from the protective layer or practicable coating, are connected to the whole surface between them and the support. This system, renowned for its remarkable longevity, is “compact” because the insulation sections (generally with cellular glass) are attached to the support directly with hot bitumen.

Toiture compacte
Toiture compacte

Joints are also filled with bitumen and the waterproof bituminous membranes are then glued and fully bonded to the insulating layer. The compact roof is ideal for zones at risk or under great stress, for example public terraces, green roofs or parking roofs.

Our estimate:

DUO Roof

A warm roof system on which a second insulation layer is placed, consisting of foam panels of extruded polystyrene, following the principle of the inverted roof. This system helps to improve thermal insulation and inertia, whilst at the same time ensuring better mechanical and thermal protection of the waterproofing material.

Toiture DUO

Durability of 50 years can be expected with the ‘Long Life’ design, in which particular care is given to certain points and all the surfaces of the waterproof membrane are protected, both horizontally and vertically.

Our estimate:

Green Roof

The green roof is an architectural concept based around sustainable development. This type of flat roof, with suitable thermal insulation and a bituminous waterproof membrane, carefully prepared to have a substrate and vegetation across the whole surface, is known either as: Extensive or Intensive

Toiture végétalisée

Extensive vegetation
An easy process to implement because the plants only use a small amount of soil (a substrate with a composition that is essentially mineral-based and a thickness of between 6 and 10 centimetres). Naturally, these are species that have little need for water, care and nutrients. They normally grow in arid and uncultivated places and do not need to be pruned or mown.

Intensive vegetation
This is a form of vegetation that is mainly horticultural. It is a multi-functional garden with a lawn and perennials, shrubs and bushes with various uses. It requires a great deal of attention, implementation and care regarding cultivation and upkeep. These roofs have an important ecological impact: they contribute to the well-being of residents and allow wildlife to find habitats where natural equilibrium is restored.

Toiture végétalisée
Our estimate:

Roof - Car Park

A practicable roof with a waterproofing system which has been specifically designed to be combined with heavy protection such as asphalt concrete or paving.

In certain cases, thermal insulation can be incorporated into the waterproofing system. However, the choice of insulating material and precautions for installation are important points to check.

Our estimate:

Sealing liquid

Implementation liquid synthetic resins is simple and provides a complementary solution to the execution of waterproofing. They directly apply by brush or roller and harden by chemical crosslinking.


Some applications are strengthened by reinforcement nonwoven. These resins allow the sealing surfaces and roofs reliably for long lasting protection. In addition, they can be combined with most seal materials in sheet.

    Types of resins that we use:
  • PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate resin)
  • PUR (polyurethane resin)
  • UP (polyester resin unsaturated)
  • EP (epoxy resin)

Our estimate:

Balcony and Terrace

Part of the roof is accessible to the public or private individuals for full usage as a place of relaxation and for meeting others.

Balcons et terrasses
Balcons et terrasses

There are many ways to carry this out, with various techniques and processes. Our company has created many terraces and balconies. See the non-exhaustive list of these works.

Balcons et terrasses Balcons et terrasses
Our estimate:


Necessary material and operations to cover a pit to protect an underground construction against water infiltration.


The different layers of the waterproofing form a comprehensive device for an efficient tubbing. From the beginning of the study, it is neccessary to forsee the necessary means in order to achieve a flawless waterproofing. The construction management warrants that all terms are observed and enforce all necessary precautions to avoid any damage to the waterproofing.

    The following factors determine the choice of the waterproofing type:
  • Type of soil and hydrological conditions
  • Size and type of support
  • Affectation and maintenance of the building
  • Work program
  • Economic criteria


Waterproofing membranes in monolayer plastic strips of PVC, polyolefin or rubber are also used for the construction of flat roofs and terraces. The specific laying techniques demand a rigorous implementation.


In order to answer efficiently to the interest for a waterproofing with a monolayer plastic strips, we recommend you to contact us or to consult different providers cited in our links.

Renovated Roof

Flat roofs can be renovated or totally repaired in different ways. An in-depth inspection and several surveys will be necessary in order to determine the best solution to use:

    Whether this is due to:
  • lack of upkeep
  • lack of care
  • a poor original design
  • natural aging

“Tired” Roof (20+ years) with a waterproof layer in bituminous multi-layers.
The possibility of recovery with a waterproof bituminous membrane on all surfaces while still retaining the existing elements. And better still, the possibility of starting work on a more complex renovation such as a double or improved roof.

A defective roof in which the insulating material is damp or dirty, etc. or a roof at the end of its life (30+ years): Total repair of this kind of roof. For this type of operation, any roofing system may be considered (see the chapter for the types of roof).

    Nevertheless, the following points must be considered:
  1. the slopes present
  2. the storm water flow system
  3. heights of decoration
  4. sorting of waste

Upkeep and Maintenance

The flat roofs that protect a large number of contemporary properties must be absolutely waterproof. And yet so little is read and understood about this issue. It seems clear that if certain roofs have had several problems due to defects in technical design or work carried out by unqualified people, defects in the upkeep of these fundamental works must be one of the main reasons for any problems. This is why, in order to ensure and increase the longevity of the overall waterproofing of flat roofs, it is imperative to carry out regular checkups.

medana étanchéité sais a well-known company in the field of top-of-the-range waterproofing materials and is aware of its responsibility for the reputation of flat roofs. It offers a complete service with a maintenance contract to meet the needs of the different types of flat roofs.


These maintenance and upkeep contracts, involving one or more annual visits, allow master builders to benefit from an extended guarantee.


Attentive et toujours très impliquée dans la formation professionnelle, notre société est formatrice d'apprentis polybâtisseurs en étanchéité depuis plusieurs années.

Tous les ans, 1 ou 2 apprentis ont la possibilité d'apprendre ce métier. Ils sont formés par Monsieur Silvio Medana, entrepreneur et expert aux examens finaux depuis de nombreuses années, ainsi qu'avec des contremaîtres et étancheurs qualifiés qui oeuvrent au bon déroulement de leur formation.

Les futurs apprenants polybâtisseurs suivent une formation auprès de l'Association Polybat, qui est un prestataire national de service de formation pour les professionnels de l'enveloppe des édifices.

    5 orientations sont possibles en entreprenant cet apprentissage:
  • Etanchéité
  • Couverture
  • Construction de façades
  • Construction d'échafaudages
  • Système de protection solaire

Le polybâtisseur en étanchéité fait sa formation en entreprise ainsi qu'à l'école professionnelle de Châtel-St-Denis.

Tu as terminé ton école obligatoire avec succès, tu es précis, habile, robuste et sain, tu n'as pas le vertige, tu apprécies le travail indépendant en plein air tout en aimant travailler en équipe, tu aimes la technique et tu possèdes de bonnes capacités arithmétiques, alors rejoins notre entreprise afin d'effectuer un stage qui te donnera une idée plus précise sur ce métier passionnant et évolutif.


Formation Etanchéités Revêtements Suisse Fédération vaudoise des entrepreneurs Ecole de la construction Formation professionnelle
Suppliers Cornaz & fils SA Créabéton Flumroc SA Gétaz-Miauton Isotosi SA HG COMMERCIALE Pittsburgh Corning (Suisse SA) Sika Sarnafil AG Siplast Icopal S.A.S. Soprema Swisspor Weiss+Appetito Spezialdienste AG


October - December 2016

F12 poster campaign on the Grand Lausanne region
Videos of the medana étanchétié sa campaign :

Campaign on the theme of beauty

Le diamant de nos toits La beauté de nos toits La beauté de nos toits La beauté de nos toits La beauté de nos toits La beauté de nos toits

February 2016

Launch of the new version (v.4.1) of the website, touch-optimized for tablets and smartphones.

June 2015



Auto Racing Julien Prével

April 2014


Cultural sponsorship

Swiss championship dance Hip-Hop

February 2013

Launch of the new website [(v.3.1)]

October 2011

Partnership with the Energy Advisor Study L. Vuillemier.

September 2010

Restructuring of our accounting department and Trust.

March 2010

Véhicules Véhicules Change in fleet.

November 2008

Quadrilingual version of the site: Welcome to English! (v.2.3)

September 2008

English version of our internet site. (v.2.2)

April 2008

New version of our internet site. Enjoy your visit ! [(v.2.1)] .

March 2007

Move to our new offices in Ecublens.

January 2007

Launch of the internet site [(v.1.1)].


  • medana étanchéité sa
    Ch. des Champs-Courbes 21
    CH-1024 Ecublens

Projects completed

2015 - Ecole Hôtelière - Bâtiment M

Warm Roof, Green Roof and Terrace of 2200m2

1000 Lausanne 25 (Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne - Assyneo - Crissier)

2015 - Rue du Bugnon 4

Warm Roof of 480m2

1005 Lausanne (Privamob SA - Lausanne)

2015 - EMS La Rozavère

Warm Roof of 450m2

1012 Lausanne (Boschetti Architectes - Lausanne)

2015 - Ch. de la Fagne 20

Warm Roof of 380m2

1145 Bière (ISS Facility - Zurich)

2015 - Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 2

Warm Roof of 520m2

1003 Lausanne (Atelier Brodard & Billiaert SA - Lonay)

2015 - Av. de Jurigoz 20

Balcony and Terrace compact of 250m2

1006 Lausanne (M&B gérance immobilière SA - Lausanne)

2015 - Rue du Valentin 10

Inverted Roof of 400m2

1004 Lausanne (Etat de Vaud - Lausanne)

2015 - Ch. de la Cassinette 6-8

DUO Roof of 630m2

1018 Lausanne (Golay Immobilier SA - Lausanne)

2015 - Ecole Subriez de soins et de santé communautaire

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation et Warm Roof of 700m2

1800 Vevey (Etat de Vaud - Lausanne)

2015 - Av. de Chillon 63

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 260m2

1820 Territet (Wincasa - Lausanne)

2015 - Ch. de Verdonnet 2

Terrasse of 220m2

1010 Lausanne (PPE Verdonnet 2 - Lausanne)

2015 - Clinique Cécil

Cuvelage of 450m2

1003 Lausanne (Hirslanden AG - Zurich)

2015 - CEOL

Cuvelage of 6200m2

1020 Renens (ADV Construction SA - Penthaz)

2015 - Collège la Romanellaz

Cuvelage of 650m2

1023 Crissier (Administration communale de Crissier)

2015 - Valentin 32

Intensive vegetation of 700m2

1010 Lausanne (La Foncière SA - Lausanne)

2014 - Graz Immo SA

Warm Roof of 400m2

1052 Le Mont (Atelier d'architecture Brodard & Billiaert SA - Lonay)

2014 - Timonet d'en Haut

Compact Roof of 210m2

1033 Cheseaux (Atelier d'architecture Brodard & Billiaert SA - Lonay)

2014 - Av. des Moulins 24-26

DUO Roof of 350m2

1110 Morges (Immopro gérance Béatrice Jotterand Sàrl - 1110 Morges)

2014 - Rte de la Croix-Blanche 40B

Terrace, Sealing liquid PMMA of 250m2

1066 Epalinges (M&B gérance immobilière SA - Lausanne)

2014 - Ch. de Longeraie 7

Terrasse of 960m2

1006 Lausanne (Régie Braun SA - 1003 Lausanne)

2014 - Ecole Hôtelière - Bâtiment O

Warm Roof of 1100m2

1000 Lausanne (Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne - Assyneo - Crissier)

2014 - Ch. de la Joliette 2-4

Warm Roof DUO of 1100m2

1006 Lausanne (Investissements Fonciers SA - Lausanne)

2014 - Ch. de la Becque

Terrasses of 180m2

1814 La Tour-de-Peilz (Pont 12 Architectes SA - Chavannes-près-Renens)

2013 - Av. d'Echallens 128

Warm Roof of 550m2

1004 Lausanne (Naef Immobilier Lausanne SA - Lausanne)

2013 - Centre Commercial La Gottaz

Inverted Roof of 3000m2

1110 Morges (Communauté des copropriétaires du Centre commercial La Gottaz - Morges)

2013 - Rte de la Croix-Blanche 38

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 300m2

1066 Epalinges (Georges-Arthur Meylan Architecte - Lausanne)

2013 - Rue du Valentin 32

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 900m2

1004 Lausanne (Investissements Fonciers SA - Lausanne)

2013 - Ch. de la Grosse-Pierre 5-25

Car Park of 2000m2

1110 Morges (Arck Architecture SA - Le Mont)

2013 - Résidence de la Côte 10-20 / 30-40

Car Park of 600m2

1110 Morges (Retraites Populaires - Lausanne)

2013 - Ch. de Praz-Gérémoz 35-46

Warm Roof of 800m2

1305 Penthalaz (PPE Praz-Gérémoz - Penthalaz)

2013 - Rue Haldimand 19 A et B

Warm Roof of 500m2 et parking

1400 Yverdon (Retraites Populaires - Lausanne)

2013 - Merck Serono SA - PH80

Compact Roof of 2800m2

1170 Aubonne (Merck Serono SA - Aubonne)

2013 - Fondation Beaulieu

DUO Roof of 180m2

1004 Lausanne (Fondation Beaulieu - Lausanne)

2013 - Ch. de l'Epondaz

DUO Roof of 1100m2

1162 St-Prex (Pragma Partenaires SA - Lausanne)

2013 - Les Voiles du Léman

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 480m2

1009 Pully (Cittolin Polli & Associés SA - Lausanne)

2013 - Ecole Subriez - ESSC

Warm Roof of 550m2
Green Roof 300m2

1800 Vevey (Etat de Vaud - Lausanne)

2013 - Ch. de la Becque

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 460m2

1814 La Tour-de-Peilz (Pont 12 Architectes SA - Chavannes-près-Renens)

2013 - Rue du Valentin 34

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 860m2

1004 Lausanne (Le Foncière SA - Lausanne)

2013 - Bristol EMS L'Eaudine

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 600m2

1820 Montreux (Wincasa SA - Lausanne)

2013 - Rte du Signal 29

Terrasse of 300m2

1018 Lausanne (PPE Signal 29 - Régie Braun SA - Lausanne)

2013 - Ch. des Croisettes 4-16

Car Park of 1500m2

1066 Epalinges (COOP/BCV - Bernard Nicod SA - Lausanne)

2013 - CIO Musée 2020

Car Park of 750m2

1007 Lausanne (Fondation Olympique pour la Culture et le Patrimoine - Lausanne)

2012 - Ch. du Bois-de-Plan 9-11

Warm Roof of 480m2

1030 Bussigny (Régie Zimmermann SA - Lausanne)

2012 - Ch. de Malley 1-13

Warm Roof of 1600m2

1007 Lausanne (Logement Idéal - Lausanne)

2012 - Av. Gustave-Coindet 7-9

Inverted Roof of 400m2

1800 Vevey (Investissements Fonciers SA - Lausanne)

2012 - Ch. de Boissonnet 59-67

DUO Roof of 620m2

1010 Lausanne (Fonds de placements Sulzer)

2012 - Rue St-Martin 36

DUO Roof of 450m2

1003 Lausanne (Naef Immobilier Lausanne SA - Lausanne)

2012 - CIO Musée 2020

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 2000m2

1007 Lausanne (Fondation Olympique pour la Cultutre et le Patrimoine)

2012 - Masson & Cie SA

Terrasse of 115m2

1040 Echallens (Atelier Pat architectes SA - Clarmont)

2012 - Av. des Alpes 46

Terrasse of 120m2

1814 La Tour-de-Peilz (Gendre & Emonet SA - Montreux)

2012 - Ch. de l'Esparcette

Warm Roof of 320m2

1023 Crissier (Golay Immobilier SA - Lausanne)

2012 - Ch. de la Concorde Aligro

Car Park of 450m2

Chavannes-près-Renens (Pezzoli Architecture - Renens)

2012 - Av. du Théâtre 1

Car Park of 680m2

1005 Lausanne (Swiss Life - Aba Partenaires SA - 1005 Lausanne)

2011 - Suchiez 18‐20

Warm Roof of 375m2

2000 Neuchâtel (Savacom Sàrl - Savagnier)

2011 - Chalet Konstantin

Inverted Roof of 950m2

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon (Espacerie architecture - Lausanne)

2011 - Av. de Montchoisi 1-3-5

Inverted Roof of 300m2

1006 Lausanne (Régie Braun SA - 1003 Lausanne)

2011 - Bâtiment GSE & SSP Geopolis

DUO Roof/compact of 5200m2

1022 Chavannes (Etat de Vaud - 1014 Lausanne)

2011 - Merck Serono SA - Bâtiment M

Compact Roof of 1800m2

1170 Aubonne (Merck Serono SA - Aubonne)

2011 - Cazard 13-15-17

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 250m2

1023 Crissier (PPE Cazard, p.a. J.-F. Meylan - Crissier)

2011 - Vuichardaz 5-5b

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 600m2

1030 Bussigny (PPE Vuichardaz )

2011 - Clinique Bois-Cerf

Cuvelage of 600m2

1006 Lausanne (Atelier Gamme architecture - 1003 Lausanne)

2011 - Route de Berne 109

Terrasse of 110m2

1010 Lausanne (Bureau d'architecture Georges Arthur Meylan - 1012 Lausanne)

2010 - Eurotel Riviera

Warm Roof of 560m2

1820 Montreux (Eurotel Riviera Best Western - 1820 Montreux)

2010 - Papirec SA

Inverted Roof of 350m2

1510 Moudon (Papirec SA - 1510 Moudon)

2010 - Av. Victor-Ruffy 55

DUO Roof of 580m2

1012 Lausanne (La Foncière - 1006 Lausanne)

2010 - Haute-Vue 11

Compact Roof of 300m2

1012 Lausanne (André Calantzopoulos - 1012 Lausanne)

2010 - Déchetterie St-Prex

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 840m2

1162 St-Prex (Commune de St-Prex)

2010 - Ch. de Villardiez 38

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation et Warm Roof of 150m2

1009 Pully (Architecte Jean-Baptiste Ferrari - Lausanne)

2009 - Ch. de Vuichardaz 4-13

Warm Roof of 3100m2

1030 Bussigny (AXA-Winterthur - 1007 Lausanne)

2009 - UNIL

Inverted Roof of 500m2

1015 Lausanne (Sipal / Etat de Vaud - 1000 Lausanne 23)

2009 - Migros Vaud

DUO Roof of 520m2

1024 Ecublens (Coopérative Migros Vaud - 1024 Ecublens)

2009 - Merck Serono SA

Compact Roof of 2600m2

1170 Aubonne (Merck Serono SA - Aubonne)

2009 - Ch. de Vuichardaz 5

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 420m2

1030 Bussigny (PPE/Régie Braun SA - Lausanne)

2008 - Av. des Oisillons 15-17-19

Warm Roof of 750m2

1009 Pully (Investissements Fonciers SA - Lausanne)

2009 - Av. de Morges 64

Inverted Roof of 310m2

1004 Lausanne (Fondation Clémence - Lausanne)

2008 - Ch. des Croisettes 23 à 29

DUO Roof of 580m2

1066 Epalinges (Retraites Populaires - Lausanne)

2008 - Rue Centrale 5

Compact Roof de350m2

1003 Lausanne (Régie Braun SA - Lausanne)

2007 - Fondation Eben-Hezer

Warm Roof of 800m2

1806 St-Légier (Bureau d'architecture Pascal Grand - Lausanne)

2007 - Cimetière du Bois-de-Vaux

Inverted Roof of 220m2

1007 Lausanne (Ville de Lausanne - Lausanne)

2007 - Bobst SA

DUO Roof of 5000m2

1008 Prilly (Bobst SA - Prilly)

2007 - Usine Fisher

Compact Roof of 520m2

1162 St-Prex (Bureau d'architecture Claude Fehlmann SA - Morges)

2007 - Rue Gustave-Coindet 7-9

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 950m2

1800 Vevey (Investissements Fonciers SA - Lausanne)

2007 - Av. Riant-Mont 6

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 160m2

1030 Bussigny (Commune de Bussigny - Bussigny)

2007 - Restaurant télécabine de Villars

Terrasse of 360m2

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon (Télévillars-Gryon SA - Villars-sur-Ollon)

2007 - Ch. des Esserpys 1

Terrasse of 350m2

1032 Romanel (PPE Esserpys 1, Romanel)

2006 - Centre commercial La Praz

Warm Roof of 2400m2

1053 Cugy (Bureau d'architecture Claude Fehlmann - Morges)

2006 - Fondation Eben-Hezer

DUO Roof of 900m2

1806 St-Légier (Bureau d'architecture Pascal Grand - Lausanne)

2006 - Ch. d'Entrebois 36-40

DUO Roof of 800m2

1018 Lausanne (S.I. Les Sureaux - Lausanne)

2006 - Télécabine Villars

Roof - Car Park of 700m2

1884 Villars-s/Ollon (Télé-Villars-Gryon SA - Villars-s/Ollon)

2006 - Av. de Béthusy 54

Roof - Car Park of 400m2

1012 Lausanne (PPE Résidence du Parc A - Lausanne)

2005 - Collège intercommunal La Planta

Inverted Roof of 1100m2

1022 Chavannes (Association intercommunale A.I.C.)

2005 - Station émettrice

Inverted Roof of 100m2

1325 Dent-de-Vaulion (Swisscom - Orange - Dent-de-Vaulion)

2005 - Av. de Béthusy 84 A-B-C

Warm Roof of 1300m2

1012 Lausanne (Caisse Etat de Vaud, Retraites Populaires - Lausanne)

2005 - Ch. de Boissonnet 38-48

DUO Roof of 1200m2

1018 Lausanne (Atelier Cube Architecture - Lausannne)

2005 - Via Buonamano 67

Compact Roof of 500m2

6612 Ascona (Ascocabolle SA - Locarno)

2005 - Centre de Valmont

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 400m2

1010 Lausanne (Tech-Toit SA - Romanel)

2005 - PPE Riveraine

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 500m2

1162 St-Prex (MESA - Bussigny)

2005 - Centre commercial Forum

Roof - Car Park of 600m2

1073 Savigny (MGM Architectes - Bussigny)

2005 - Immeuble Pont des Sauges - Bossons

Roof - Car Park of 1100m2

1018 Lausanne (Régie Chapuis - Lausanne)

2005 - Propriété privée

Terrasse of 100m2

1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne (Indivision S. Kudelski - Le Mont-sur-Lausanne)

2005 - Ch. du Levant 13

Terrasse of 70m2

1005 Lausanne (Mme Fischer - Arlescheim)

2004 - Av. de Lausanne 91

Inverted Roof of 500m2

1630 Bulle (S. I. Trois Trèfles SA - Bulle)

2004 - Via Buanomano 67

Inverted Roof of 1400m2

6612 Ascona (Ascocabolle SA - Locarno)

2004 - Collège Sous-Mont

Warm Roof of 500m2

1030 Bussigny (Commune de Bussigny - Bussigny)

2004 - Via Buonamano 3

Terrasse of 400m2

6612 Ascona
(Régie Braun SA - Lausanne)

2004 - Av. d'Ouchy Alcoa

Terrasse of 200m2

1006 Lausanne
(Tech-Toit G. Déglise - Romanel)

2004 - Propriété privée

Terrasse of 50m2

1025 St-Sulpice (M. et Mme Corbaz - St-Sulpice)

2003 - Maison d'arrêt préventive

Warm Roof of 800m2

1350 Orbe (Etat de Vaud - dépt bâtiments - Lausanne)

2003 - Ch. de la Roche 1-3-5

Compact Roof of 1700m2

1020 Renens (Régie Braun SA - Lausanne)

2003 - Ecole de la Construction

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 1100m2

1131 Tolochenaz (F.V.E. - Tolochenaz)

2003 - Centre commercial de Cossonay

Roof - Car Park of 700m2

1304 Cossonay (Bigs architectes - Morges)

2002 - Collège Burier "Cessev"

Compact Roof of 1000m2

1814 La Tour-de-Peilz (Etat de Vaud dépt infrastructure - Lausanne)

2002 - Rte de Lausanne 81

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 1800m2

1020 Renens (Mme Dupraz architecte - Epalinges)

2001 - Ch. des Eterpeys 21-23-25

Compact Roof of 1600m2

1010 Lausanne (Allianz Suisse Immobilier - Lausanne)

2001 - Ch. de Champs-Colomb 13 Afiro

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 300m2

1024 Ecublens (Afiro - Ecublens)

2000 - Ecole professionnelle EPSIC

Inverted Roof of 1100m2

1004 Lausanne (Etat de Vaud - dépt bâtiments - Lausanne)

1999 - Libellules 6-8-10-12

Inverted Roof of 2200m2

1010 Lausanne (Atelier Synthèse - Lausanne)

1999 - UNIL - Centre propédeutique

Compact Roof of 1500m2

1024 Ecublens (Université Dorigny - Ecublens)

1999 - Av. d'Echallens 68

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 700m2

1004 Lausanne (Caisse Etat de Vaud, Retraites populaires - Lausanne)

1998 - Ch. de Covatannaz 7

Warm Roof of 500m2

1032 Romanel (Winterthur - Wincasa - Lausanne)

1998 - Centre commercial des Boveresses

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 400m2

1010 Lausanne (S. C. Logement Idéal - Lausanne)

1997 - Av. du Molage 36

Warm Roof of 500m2

1860 Aigle (Caisse Etat de Vaud, Retraites populaires - Lausanne)

1997 - Hôtel Lausanne Palace

Compact Roof et terrasse of 1100m2

1002 Lausanne (Bureau d'architecture CCHE - Lausanne)

1997 - Ch. des Plaines, villa contigüe

Green Roof, Extensive vegetation of 150m2

1007 Lausanne (M. P. Vogel, architecte - Lausanne)

1996 - Domaine de Boveresses

Warm Roof of 5500m2

1010 Lausanne (S. C. Logement Idéal - Lausanne)

1996 - Av. de Praz-Séchaud 1-9

Inverted Roof of 2100m2

1010 Lausanne (S. C. Colosa - Lausanne)

1996 - Centre commercial Migros

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 600m2

1030 Bussigny/Lausanne (Migros-Vaud - Ecublens)

1995 - Av. Morlon 29

Warm Roof of 600m2

1630 Bulle (Régie Bulle SA - Bulle)

1995 - Rte des Matines 7

DUO Roof of 500m2

1007 Lausanne (Régie Braun S.A. - Lausanne)

1994 - Chauderon-Nord Tour Galfetti Cité

DUO Roof of 1600m2

1000 Lausanne (Groupe B. Nicod - Lausanne)

1994 - Collège de Mont-Goulin

Terrasse of 1500m2

1008 Prilly (Commune de Prilly - Serv. Des domaines - Prilly)

1993 - Domaine des Triaudes, EPFL

Green Roof, Intensive vegetation of 1500m2

1024 Ecublens (Architectes Eicher & Bianchi - 1000 Lausanne)



The photovoltaics effect (PV) refers to the ability which possess the semiconductor materials, to directly convert to various components of sunlight (not the heat) into electricity. It is the only existing alternative which generates the production of electricity from mechanical force.



The standard SIA 271 which determines the waterproofing of flat roofs demands, following the article 2.1.3 on security for roof works : «Security devices such as anchor points to prevent falls, bodyguards or other devices must be planned in a way to allow a secure maintenance ot the waterproof system.»

    As to the anchor points, two systems exist:
  1. Bollard system with 7.5 m spacing
  2. Permanent cable system around the roof

For some buildings, where roof visits are frequent, a freestanding security system with a continuous fence is the best solution.